It’s that time….

It’s that time. That time in the summer when you realize autumn is almost upon us. The garden has reached that point of lush silliness. The velvety petunias are still vibrantly hued, but the blossoms bob in the breeze atop leggy stems of crinkled, brown leaves.

The tomato vines have gone berserk – towering over the fence and sporting yellow blossoms that promise tomatoes still to come. One has to search for ripe fruit hidden amongst the riotous vines. The daylilies are long gone and the stems which offered up the short-lived blossoms are brown and dry. They’ll rest now until the spring brings them forth anew. The cleome is sporting it’s odd but lovely, ever-evolving flowers that are so top-heavy they tilt to one side.

The Roses of Sharon are still going mad; covered in blooms that tempt fat bees who fly away covered in pollen. There are dozens of spent blossoms on the ground and, soon, blossoms will give way to the brown seed pods that will keep me busy next summer weeding out hundreds of youngsters determined to crowd out their parents.

Neighbors will soon be replacing tired summer color bowls with mums and then there will be no doubt…autumn is coming.

It’s that time…

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